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2 min read
The 4 ‘Saan Sau Slots’ in Practical Wing Chun
A note on Cantonese I use the ‘Jyut Ping‘ (粵拼) Cantonese writing system as I have found it to be the most accurate. For an excellent way...
6 min read
Siu Nim Tao 1st Section
A note on Cantonese I use the ‘Jyut Ping’ (粵拼) Cantonese writing system as I have found it to be the most accurate. For an excellent way...
2 min read
The 4 Elbow Lines in Practical Wing Chun
Intro These lines are where the elbow ends when finishing a move. In the 3 vertical lines (not the horizontal line) the elbow should be...
2 min read
Losing your 5 Centrelines in Practical Wing Chun
1st Centreline What does it mean to lose this line? not having a hand, 3rd centreline or elbow on this line. Why is this bad? you are...
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