The 6 Ci Sau Openings are:
Left hand directly
Left hand coming round their arm
Left hand ‘diagonal, outside’ (over or under your own arm) – i.e. LH to LH
Right hand directly
Right hand coming round their arm
Right hand ‘diagonal, outside’ (over or under your own arm) i.e. RH to RH
Ci Sau aka Luk Sau Pun Sau
These openings only refer to moves that go forwards (rather than backwards e.g. Hau Paak Sau)
All examples can be reversed if using Left Hand Bong Ci Sau
LH = Left Hand
RH = Right Hand
1 – left hand directly
Left Hand Directly
Example move:
LH Zam Daa – attacking their RH Taan Sau
Be sure to turn them so that their LH is less of a threat
2 – left hand coming round their arm
Left Hand coming round their Arm
Example move:
LH ‘Reverse Hyun’ (anti-clockwise for LH) into LH Punch
Be aware that they can hit you first as you Hyun under their arm – be quicker than them and follow up with Hau Paak Sau if they do punch
3 – LEFT hand ‘diagonal, outside’ (over or under your own arm)
Left Hand ‘diagonal, outside’
Example move:
‘Diagonal, outside’ LH Punch (over or under your other arm) – attacking their LH Fuk Sau
Go over your own arm if:
you are both facing each other
their arm is low (often when your opponent is shorter than you)
Go under your own arm if:
they are turned
their arm is high (often when your opponent is taller than you)
In order to turn them you can first use RH Bong Sau (with Zyun Maa)
4 – Right hand directly
Right Hand Directly
Example move:
LH Gwaat Daa – attacking their RH Taan Sau
Be aware of their LH Hook – defend with Backwards CK Pok Zoeng if necessary
5 – right hand coming round their arm
Right Hand round their Arm
Example move:
RH Hyun Sau (anti-clockwise for RH) into RH Zam Daa
Only use this move if their LH is pushing down and their elbow is in – if not they can hit you very easily with their LH
6 – Right hand ‘diagonal, outside’ (OVER OR UNDER YOUR OWN ARM)
Right Hand ‘diagonal, outside’
Example move:
‘Diagonal, outside’ RH Punch
Go over or under your own arm according to the notes in no.3 above
To make him turn you can first use LH Hap (‘same side, outside’)